What is Area 18 CTE ?
Area 18 CTE delivers 294 career related class sessions at nine high schools located in Huntington, Blackford, Wells, Adams and Jay counties. In their own words, students and teachers explain the importance of their experience in Career and Technical Education:- “I love the hands-on learning. I learn as much (in electronics class) as in my AP classes. I really prefer to learn this way. I didn’t play with Barbie dolls when I was younger; I played with Legos. So my mom said, ‘Why don’t you try some classes in electronics and engineering?’” – Jay County HS junior Cydney Huey, Electronics student and Robotics team member
- “As soon as you add relevance, you make the math more meaningful.” – Southern Wells HS instructor Doug Hunt, Manufacturing, who teaches his students how to make guitars as a way to learn science and math concepts.
- “Just knowing I can earn a year of college credit while in school puts me one step ahead of the others.” – Bellmont senior Chabelle Lawler, who drives 45 minutes a day to take Health Occupations for dual credit.
- “My driving force for being here in the classroom is as an employer. I don’t feel that we are getting quality kids in the technical fields. Maybe I could have a positive influence to get better students involved in this as a career choice.” – Norwell HS instructor and local business owner Kevin Morris, Auto Technology I
- “This class gives us a chance to use our critical thinking skills. You can always be prepared on paper to knock it out. But things like school delays change everything. You’ve got to improvise and be flexible.” – Bluffton HS junior Tad Makowski, Culinary Arts
- “I’m going to have a skill set that will made me employable for the rest of my life.” - Huntington North HS graduate Brandon Burnworth, Precision Machining student, who placed first in the nation at the 2012 SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference.